模板:Multiple image/doc
文件:Edit-copy green.svg | 模板:Strong for 模板:Terminate sentence It may contain usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original 模板 page. |
模板:Redirect-distinguish 模板:Template shortcut
Warning | 此Template被引用於約5,900個頁面。 為了避免造成大規模的影響,所有對此Template的編輯應先於沙盒、測試樣例或您的-{zh-hant:使用者頁面;zh-hans:用户页}-上測試。 測試後無誤的版本可以一次性地加入此Template中,但是修改前請務必於討論頁發起討論。 模板引用數量會自動更新。 |
🪧 | 此模板使用Lua语言: |
{{multiple image <!-- Essential parameters --> | align = <!-- left, center, right (default), none --> | direction = <!-- horizontal (default), vertical --> | background color = <!-- box background --> <!-- Header --> | header_background = | header_align = <!-- left, center (default), right --> | header = <!-- Images --> | width = <!-- image width in pixels (an integer, omit "px" suffix); overrides "width[n]"s below --> | caption_align = <!-- left (default), center, right --> <!--image 1--> | image1 = <!-- filename only, i.e. without "File:" or "Image:" prefix --> | width1 = | alt1 = | link1 = | caption1 = <!--image 2--> | image2 = <!-- filename only, i.e. without "File:" or "Image:" prefix --> | width2 = | alt2 = | link2 = | caption2 = <!-- and so on, to a maximum of 10 images (image10) --> <!-- Footer --> | footer_background = | footer_align = <!-- left (default), center, right --> | footer = }}
{{multiple image | width = 60 | image1 = Yellow card.svg | alt1 = 黃色橢圓形邊緣 | image2 = Red card.svg | alt2 = 紅色橢圓形邊緣 | footer = Players are cautioned with a yellow card and sent off with a red card. }}
{{multiple image | align = left | direction = vertical | width = 200 | header = [[Portable Network Graphics|PNG]] 透明度示範 | image1 = PNG transparency demonstration 1.png | alt1 = 彩色骰子加白色背景 | caption1 = 具有8位透明度圖層的PNG圖像... | image2 = PNG transparency demonstration 2.png | alt2 = 彩色骰子加方格背景 | caption2 = ...這裡覆蓋一個方格的背景。 }}
使用background color
<syntaxhighlight lang="moin" style="overflow:auto;">
使用連結 (link[n])
The image of the mule links to Mule; the image of the donkey does not link anywhere; the image of the trout links to a standard image description page.
模板:Clear left <syntaxhighlight lang="moin" style="overflow:auto;">
The image of the mule links to Mule; the image of the donkey does not link anywhere; the image of the trout links to a standard image description page.
To create an array of images, with multiple rows, use |perrow=
. The value passed to |perrow=
may be a single number, or a list of numbers delimited by /
. This feature may also be combined with |total_width=
for multiple rows of images with the same total width.
Surveying Equipment. Clockwise from upper left: Optical Theodolite, Robotic total station, Optical level, RTK GPS Base station.
{{multiple image|perrow = 2|total_width=300 | image1 = Kern_Theodolit_DKM2-A.jpg |width1=319|height1=425 | image2 = Total-Robotic-Station.jpg |width2=1728|height2=3072 | image3 = DumpyLevel.jpg |width3=1600|height3=1200 | image4 = GPS_Survey_Equipment_at_Weir_Dyke_Bridge_-_geograph.org.uk_-_336908.jpg|width4=427|height4=640 | footer = Surveying Equipment. Clockwise from upper left: Optical Theodolite, Robotic total station, Optical level, [[Real-time kinematic | RTK]] GPS Base station. }}
- {{Gallery}}
- {{Image array}}
- {{Image frame}}
- {{Photomontage}}