



This module increments numbered template parameters. This is useful for inserting new rows into infobox templates, and for other similar tasks where renaming many parameters by hand would be tedious.


Due to the way templates work, you cannot pass template input to this module in the normal way. Instead, you have to edit the module page directly to get the desired result. Please follow the seven steps listed in the module code.

Once you have finished editing the module, you can use it on any page, with the code:


You can also view it as pre-formatted text using the pre parameter. Warning - this doesn't work with subst.


Or you can simply copy and paste the code from the following section.



|header4  = Section 1
|label6   = Label A
|data6    = Data A
|label8   = Label C
|data8    = Data C
|header11 = Section 2
|label13  = Label D
|data13   = Data D


-- 第一步:點擊頁面頂部「編輯」按鈕開始編輯本模組。
-- STEP 1: Click on the "edit" tab at the top of the page to edit this module.

-- 第二步:如果你想加上1之外的數目,請修改等號後的數字。
-- STEP 2: if you want to increment by a number other than 1, put that number below, after the equals sign. 
local increment = 1

-- 第三步:用你想增加數字的模板部分替換下方內容。
-- STEP 3: Replace the example template text with the template text that you wish to increment.
local templatetext = [==========[
|header3  = Section 1
|label5   = Label A
|data5    = Data A
|label7   = Label C
|data7    = Data C
|header10 = Section 2
|label12  = Label D
|data12   = Data D

-- 第四步:保存本模組。
-- STEP 4: Save this module.

-- 第五步:你現在可以通過以下代碼輸出數字增加後的代碼:
--                {{subst:#invoke:IncrementParams|main}}
-- 又或者直接拷貝下方模組文檔中的修改後的代碼。
-- STEP 5: You can now output the incremented text with the following code:
--                {{subst:#invoke:IncrementParams|main}}
-- Or you can simply copy and paste the text from this module's documentation.

-- 第六步:檢查輸出內容!在某些情況下本模組可能會產生部分假陽性結果。
-- 比如它會將「[[Some link|foo3=bar]]」修改為「[[Some link|foo4=bar]]」。
-- 你可以通過模板編輯頁面中「顯示變更」按鈕檢查是否有假陽性結果存在。
-- STEP 6: Check the output! In rare cases this module might produce false positives.
-- For example, it will change the text "[[Some link|foo3=bar]]" to "[[Some link|foo4=bar]]".
-- You can use the "show changes" function in the edit window of the template you are editing
-- to find any false positives.

-- 第七步:當你完成後,撤回你於本模組的編輯,避免下一個使用本模組的人對使用方法感到混淆。
-- 謝謝使用本模組!
-- STEP 7: When you are finished, undo your changes to this page, so that the next person
-- won't be confused by seeing any non-default values. Thanks for using this module!

local p = {}
local function replace(prefix, num, suffix)
    return '|' .. prefix .. tostring(tonumber(num) + increment) .. suffix .. '='
function p.main(frame)
    -- Increment the template text.
    templatetext = mw.ustring.gsub(templatetext, '|(%s*%a?[%a_%-]-%s*)([1-9]%d*)(%s*[%a_%-]-%a?%s*)=', replace)
    -- Add pre tags and escape html etc. if the pre option is set.
    if frame and frame.args and frame.args.pre and frame.args.pre ~= '' then
        templatetext = mw.text.nowiki(templatetext)
        templatetext = '<pre style="white-space:-moz-pre-wrap; white-space:-pre-wrap; '
            .. 'white-space:-o-pre-wrap; white-space:pre-wrap; word-wrap:break-word;">' 
            .. templatetext .. '</pre>'
    return templatetext
return p