< 模块:Citation | CS1
--[[--------------------------< I M P O R T E D _ F U N C T I O N S _ A N D _ V A R I B L E S >-----------------
local cfg = {}; -- table of configuration tables that are defined in Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration
local whitelist = {}; -- table of tables listing valid template parameter names; defined in Module:Citation/CS1/Whitelist
local dates, year_date_check; -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation
local add_maint_cat, append_error, make_error_tail, reset_error, set_error, select_one, throw_error;
-- error-related functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Error
local first_set, hyphen_to_dash, is_set, in_array, substitute; -- simple functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities
local has_invisible_chars, kern_quotes, pend_separator, safe_join, wrap_style, wrap_msg;
-- style-related functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities
local check_for_external_link, make_external_link, make_internal_link; -- link-related functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Links
local extract_ids, build_id_list, is_embargoed, extract_id_access_levels; -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Identifiers
local get_people, format_people; -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/People
local COinS; -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/COinS
local script_concatenate, language_parameter; -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Language
local function load_modules (module_path, module_suffix)
cfg = mw.loadData (module_path .. 'Configuration' .. module_suffix);
whitelist = mw.loadData (module_path .. 'Whitelist' .. module_suffix);
local validation = require (module_path .. 'Date_validation' .. module_suffix);
local identifiers = require (module_path .. 'Identifiers' .. module_suffix);
local utilities = require (module_path .. 'Utilities' .. module_suffix);
local people = require (module_path .. 'People' .. module_suffix);
local links = require (module_path .. 'Links' .. module_suffix);
local errors = require (module_path .. 'Error' .. module_suffix);
local coins = require (module_path .. 'COinS' .. module_suffix);
local languages = require (module_path .. 'Language' .. module_suffix);
utilities.set_selected_modules (cfg);
links.set_selected_modules (utilities, errors);
errors.set_selected_modules (cfg, utilities, links);
identifiers.set_selected_modules (cfg, utilities, errors, links, validation);
people.set_selected_modules (cfg, utilities, errors, links);
coins.set_selected_modules (cfg, utilities, links);
languages.set_selected_modules (utilities, errors);
dates = validation.dates; -- imported functions
year_date_check = validation.year_date_check;
first_set = utilities.first_set;
hyphen_to_dash = utilities.hyphen_to_dash;
is_set = utilities.is_set;
in_array = utilities.in_array;
substitute = utilities.substitute;
has_invisible_chars = utilities.has_invisible_chars;
kern_quotes = utilities.kern_quotes;
pend_separator = utilities.pend_separator;
safe_join = utilities.safe_join;
wrap_style = utilities.wrap_style;
wrap_msg = utilities.wrap_msg;
make_external_link = links.make_external_link;
make_internal_link = links.make_internal_link;
check_for_external_link = links.check_for_external_link;
add_maint_cat = errors.add_maint_cat;
append_error = errors.append_error;
make_error_tail = errors.make_error_tail;
reset_error = errors.reset_error;
set_error = errors.set_error;
select_one = errors.select_one;
throw_error = errors.throw_error;
extract_ids = identifiers.extract_ids;
build_id_list = identifiers.build_id_list;
is_embargoed = identifiers.is_embargoed;
extract_id_access_levels = identifiers.extract_id_access_levels;
get_people = people.get_people;
format_people = people.format_people;
COinS = coins.COinS;
script_concatenate = languages.script_concatenate;
language_parameter = languages.language_parameter;
--[[--------------------------< D E P R E C A T E D _ P A R A M E T E R >--------------------------------------
Categorize and emit an error message when the citation contains one or more deprecated parameters. The function includes the
offending parameter name to the error message.
local function deprecated_parameter (name)
append_error ('deprecated_params', {name});
--[[--------------------------< D I S C A R D _ P A R A M E T E R >--------------------------------------------
local function discard_parameter (name, label, new_value)
if is_set (name) then
append_error ('parameter_discarded', label);
return new_value;
--[[--------------------------< S A N I T I Z E D _ P A R A M E T E R _ V A L U E >------------------------
This function is used to validate a parameter's assigned value for those parameters that have only a limited number
of allowable values (e.g. yes, y, true, no, etc). If the parameter value is empty or is in the list of allowed values,
the function returns the value; else, it emits an error message and returns the default value.
local function sanitized_parameter_value (value, name, key, default)
if not is_set (value) then
return value; -- an empty parameter is ok
elseif in_array (value:lower(), cfg.keywords[key]) then
return value;
append_error ('invalid_param_val', {name, value}); -- not an allowed value so add error message
return default;
--[[--------------------------< E X T R A _ T E X T _ I N _ P A R A M E T E R _ C H E C K >------------------------------
local function extra_text_in_parameter_check (value, type)
local good_patterns = cfg.extra_text_pattern[type]['good'];
local bad_patterns = cfg.extra_text_pattern[type]['bad'];
for _, pattern in pairs (good_patterns) do
if value:match (pattern) then
for _, pattern in pairs (bad_patterns) do
if value:match (pattern) then
add_maint_cat ('extra_text', type);
--[[--------------------------< V A L I D A T E _ D A T E >-------------------------------------------------------
Go test all of the date-holding parameters for valid MOS:DATE format and make sure that dates are real dates. This must be done before we do COinS because here is where
we get the date used in the metadata.
Date validation supporting code is in Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation
local function validate_date (AccessDate, ArchiveDate, Date, DoiBroken, Embargo, LayDate, PublicationDate, Year, COinS_date, origin)
local error_message = '';
-- AirDate has been promoted to Date so not necessary to check it
anchor_year, error_message = dates ({['access-date']=AccessDate, ['archive-date']=ArchiveDate, ['date']=Date, ['doi-broken-date']=DoiBroken,
['embargo']=Embargo, ['lay-date']=LayDate, ['publication-date']=PublicationDate, ['year']=Year}, COinS_date);
if is_set (Year) then
if is_set (Date) then -- both |date= and |year= not normally needed;
local mismatch = year_date_check (Year, Date)
if 0 == mismatch then -- |year= does not match a year-value in |date=
append_error ('date_year_mismatch', {origin});
elseif 1 == mismatch then -- |year= matches year-value in |date=
add_maint_cat ('date_year');
anchor_year = Year; -- Year first for legacy citations and for YMD dates that require disambiguation
if is_set (error_message) then
append_error ('bad_date', {error_message}); -- add this error message
return anchor_year;
--[[--------------------------< D I S C A R D _ C H A P T E R >-------------------------------------------------------
local function discard_chapter (args)
local chap_param;
if is_set (args['Chapter']) then -- get a parameter name from one of these chapter related meta-parameters
chap_param = args:ORIGIN ('Chapter');
elseif is_set (args['TransChapter']) then
chap_param = args:ORIGIN ('TransChapter');
elseif is_set (args['ChapterURL']) then
chap_param = args:ORIGIN ('ChapterURL');
elseif is_set (args['ScriptChapter']) then
chap_param = args:ORIGIN ('ScriptChapter')
elseif is_set (args['ChapterFormat']) then
chap_param = args:ORIGIN ('ChapterFormat')
elseif is_set (args['ChapterUrlAccess']) then
chap_param = args:ORIGIN ('ChapterUrlAccess')
if is_set (chap_param) then -- if we found one
append_error ('chapter_ignored', {chap_param}); -- add error message
--[[--------------------------< C R E A T E _ U R L _ O B J E C T >------------------------------------------
local function create_url_object (url, source, fmt, fmt_source, access, access_source)
return {
['url'] = is_set (url) and url or '',
['origin'] = is_set (source) and source or '',
['access'] = is_set (access) and sanitized_parameter_value (access, access_source, 'url-access', '') or '',
['access-origin'] = is_set (access_source) and access_source or '',
['format'] = is_set (fmt) and fmt or '',
['format-origin'] = is_set (fmt_source) and fmt_source or '',
['access-text'] = ''
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ T I T L E T Y P E >----------------------------------------------------
This function sets default title types (equivalent to the citation including |type=<default value>) for those templates that have defaults.
Also handles the special case where it is desirable to omit the title type from the rendered citation (|type=none).
local function set_titletype (cite_class, title_type)
if is_set (title_type) then
if 'none' == title_type then
title_type = ''; -- if |type=none then type parameter not displayed
return title_type; -- if |type= has been set to any other value use that value
return cfg.title_types[cite_class] or ''; -- set template's default title type; else empty string for concatenation
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ N O _ T R A C K I N G _ C A T S >-----------------------------------------
check this page to see if it is in one of the namespaces that cs1 is not supposed to add to the error categories
local function set_no_tracking_cats (no_tracking, no_tracking_source, this_page)
local no_tracking_cats = sanitized_parameter_value (no_tracking, no_tracking_source, 'yes_true_y', nil);
if not is_set (no_tracking_cats) then -- ignore if we are already not going to categorize this page
if in_array (this_page.nsText, cfg.uncategorized_namespaces) then
return true; -- set no_tracking_cats
for _,v in ipairs (cfg.uncategorized_subpages) do -- cycle through page name patterns
if this_page.text:match (v) then -- test page name against each pattern
return true; -- set no_tracking_cats; bail out if one is found
return false;
return true;
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ C S 1 _ S T Y L E >----------------------------------------------------
Set style settings for CS1 citation templates. Returns separator and postscript settings
local function set_cs1_style (ps)
if not is_set (ps) then -- unless explicitely set to something
ps = '.'; -- terminate the rendered citation with a period
return '.', ps; -- separator is a full stop
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ C S 2 _ S T Y L E >----------------------------------------------------
Set style settings for CS2 citation templates. Returns separator, postscript, ref settings
local function set_cs2_style (ps, ref)
if not is_set (ps) then -- if |postscript= has not been set, set cs2 default
ps = ''; -- make sure it isn't nil
if not is_set (ref) then -- if |ref= is not set
ref = 'harv'; -- set default |ref=harv
return ',', ps, ref; -- separator is a comma
--[[--------------------------< G E T _ S E T T I N G S _ F R O M _ C I T E _ C L A S S >----------------------
When |mode= is not set or when its value is invalid, use config.CitationClass and parameter values to establish
rendered style.
local function get_settings_from_cite_class (ps, ref, cite_class)
local sep;
if (cite_class == 'citation') then -- for citation templates (CS2)
sep, ps, ref = set_cs2_style (ps, ref);
else -- not a citation template so CS1
sep, ps = set_cs1_style (ps);
return sep, ps, ref -- return them all
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ S T Y L E >------------------------------------------------------------
Establish basic style settings to be used when rendering the citation. Uses |mode= if set and valid or uses
config.CitationClass from the template's #invoke: to establish style.
local function set_style (mode, mode_source, ps, ref, quote, cite_class)
local sep;
mode = sanitized_parameter_value (mode, mode_source, 'mode', ''):lower();
if 'cs2' == mode then -- if this template is to be rendered in CS2 (citation) style
sep, ps, ref = set_cs2_style (ps, ref);
elseif 'cs1' == mode then -- if this template is to be rendered in CS1 (cite xxx) style
sep, ps = set_cs1_style (ps);
else -- anything but cs1 or cs2
sep, ps, ref = get_settings_from_cite_class (ps, ref, cite_class); -- get settings based on the template's CitationClass
if 'none' == ps:lower() or is_set (quote) then -- if assigned value is 'none' then set it to empty string
ps = ''; -- also cs1|2 does not supply terminal punctuation when |quote= is set
return sep, ps, ref
--[[--------------------------< S W A P _ U R L S >--------------------------------------------------------------
local function swap_urls (url_object, chapter_url_object, archive_url_object, dead_url)
local original_url_object = create_url_object ();
local is_dead = in_array (dead_url, cfg.keywords['deadurl-live']); -- used later when assembling archived text
if is_set (archive_url_object['url']) then
if is_set (url_object['url']) then
original_url_object = url_object;
if not is_dead then
url_object = archive_url_object;
elseif is_set (chapter_url_object['url']) then -- URL not set so if chapter-url is set apply archive url to it
original_url_object = chapter_url_object;
if not is_dead then
chapter_url_object = archive_url_object;
return original_url_object, url_object, chapter_url_object;
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ U R L _ A C C E S S _ T E X T >---------------------------------------
从x-url-access系列参数生成相应的图标;兼容既有registration, subscription参数,优先级x-url-access > subscription > registration。
local function format_url_access_text (url_object, subscription_required, registration_required)
local access_text = '';
local redundant = false;
local access = url_object['access'];
local reg = false;
local sub = false;
if is_set (access) then
if (access == 'limited') then
access_text = cfg.presentation['limited']; -- 有限度免费访问
elseif (access == 'registration') then
access_text = cfg.presentation['registration']; -- 需要免费注册
reg = true;
elseif (access == 'subscription') then
access_text = cfg.presentation['subscription']; -- 需要付费订阅
sub = true;
access_text = '';
if is_set (subscription_required) or is_set (registration_required) then
redundant = true;
if is_set (subscription_required) then
access_text = cfg.presentation['subscription']; -- 需要免费注册
sub = true;
if is_set (registration_required) then
redundant = true;
elseif is_set (registration_required) then
access_text = cfg.presentation['registration']; -- 需要付费订阅
reg = true
access_text = '';
if is_set (url_object ['url']) then
url_object['access-text'] = access_text;
if sub then
add_maint_cat ('subscription');
elseif reg then
add_maint_cat ('registration');
-- 预留报错
return redundant;
--[[-------------------------< F O R M A T _ V O L U M E _ I S S U E >----------------------------------------
returns the concatenation of the formatted volume and issue parameters as a single string; or formatted volume
or formatted issue, or an empty string if neither are set.
local function format_volume_issue (volume, issue, cite_class, origin, sepc, lower)
if not is_set (volume) and not is_set (issue) then
return '';
if 'magazine' == cite_class or (cite_class =='map' and 'magazine' == origin) then
if is_set (volume) and is_set (issue) then
return wrap_msg ('vol-no', {sepc, volume, issue}, lower);
elseif is_set (volume) then
return wrap_msg ('vol', {sepc, volume}, lower);
return wrap_msg ('issue', {sepc, issue}, lower);
local vol = '';
if is_set (volume) then
if (6 < mw.ustring.len (volume)) then
vol = wrap_msg ('j-vol', {sepc, volume}, lower);
vol = wrap_style ('vol-bold', hyphen_to_dash (volume));
if is_set (issue) then
return vol .. wrap_msg ('j-issue', issue, lower);
return vol;
--[[-------------------------< F O R M A T _ I N S O U R C E _ L O C A T I O N >----------------------------------
Build insource_location meta-parameter from |page(s)= , |sheet(s)= , |at= and other relevant parameters.
local function format_insource_location (page, pages, sheet, sheets, at, minutes, time, time_caption, section, sections, inset, cite_class, origin, sepc, nopp, lower)
local text = '';
if is_set (sheet) then
if 'journal' == origin then
text = wrap_msg ('j-sheet', sheet, lower);
text = wrap_msg ('sheet', {sepc, sheet}, lower);
elseif is_set (sheets) then
if 'journal' == origin then
text = wrap_msg ('j-sheets', sheets, lower);
text = wrap_msg ('sheets', {sepc, sheets}, lower);
local is_journal = 'journal' == cite_class or (cite_class == 'map' and 'journal' == origin);
if is_set (page) then
if is_journal then
text = wrap_msg ('j-page(s)', page, lower);
elseif not is_set (nopp) then
text = wrap_msg ('p-prefix', {sepc, page}, lower);
text = wrap_msg ('nopp', {sepc, page}, lower);
elseif is_set (pages) then
if is_journal then
text = wrap_msg ('j-page(s)', pages, lower);
elseif tonumber (pages) ~= nil and not is_set (nopp) then -- if pages is only digits, assume a single page number
text = wrap_msg ('p-prefix', {sepc, pages}, lower);
elseif not is_set (nopp) then
text = wrap_msg ('pp-prefix', {sepc, pages}, lower);
text = wrap_msg ('nopp', {sepc, pages}, lower);
if is_set (minutes) then
text = pend_separator (wrap_msg ('minutes', minutes, lower), sepc, true) .. text;
if is_set (time) then
if not is_set (time_caption) then
text = pend_separator (wrap_msg ('event', time, lower), sepc, true) .. text;
text = pend_separator (time_caption .. ' ' .. time .. text, sepc, true);
text = text .. pend_separator (at, sepc, true);
text = text .. pend_separator (wrap_msg ('inset', inset, lower), sepc, true);
if is_set (sections) then
text = text .. pend_separator (wrap_msg ('sections', sections, lower), sepc, true);
elseif is_set (section) then
text = text .. pend_separator (wrap_msg ('section', section, lower), sepc, true);
return text;
--[[-------------------------< F O R M A T _ P U B L I S H E R >------------------------------------------
local function format_publisher (publisher_name, publication_place, periodical, cite_class, sepc)
local publisher = '';
if is_set (publisher_name) then
if is_set (publication_place) then
publisher = publication_place .. ': ' .. publisher_name;
publisher = publisher_name;
elseif is_set (publication_place) then
publisher = publication_place;
if is_set (publisher) then
if is_set (periodical) and
not in_array (cite_class, {'encyclopaedia', 'web', 'pressrelease', 'podcast'}) then
publisher = ' (' .. publisher .. ')';
publisher = pend_separator (publisher, sepc, true);
return publisher;
--[[-------------------------< F O R M A T _ L I N K >-------------------------------------------------
Format an external link that may or may not be raw.
local function format_external_link (text, url_object, sepc)
if is_set (text) then
if is_set (url_object['url']) then
text = make_external_link (url_object['url'], text, url_object['origin']);
text = pend_separator (text .. url_object['format'], sepc, true);
elseif is_set (url_object['url']) then
text = make_external_link (url_object['url'], nil, url_object['origin']);
return text;
--[[-------------------------< F O R M A T _ C O N F E R E N C E >----------------------------------------
local function format_conference (conference, conference_url_object, periodical, cite_class, sepc)
local conf_text = format_external_link (conference, conference_url_object, sepc);
if 'speech' == cite_class and is_set (periodical) then
-- if cite speech, periodical (perhaps because of an included |website= or |journal= parameter) is set;
conf_text = pend_separator (conf_text, sepc, false); -- then add appropriate punctuation to the end of the conference variable if set.
return conf_text;
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ C H A P T E R _ T I T L E >--------------------------------------
Format the four chapter parameters: |script-chapter=, |chapter=, |trans-chapter=, and |chapter-url= into a single Chapter meta-
parameter (chapter_url_source used for error messages).
local function format_chapter_title (scriptchapter, chapter, transchapter, chapter_url_object, no_quotes, cite_class, title_type, sepc)
local chapter_error = '';
if not is_set (chapter) then
chapter = ''; -- to be safe for concatenation
if false == no_quotes then
chapter = kern_quotes (chapter); -- if necessary, separate chapter title's leading and trailing quote marks from Module provided quote marks
chapter = wrap_style ('quoted-title', chapter);
chapter = script_concatenate (chapter, scriptchapter) -- <bdi> tags, lang atribute, categorization, etc; must be done after title is wrapped
if is_set (transchapter) then
transchapter = wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', transchapter);
if is_set (chapter) then
chapter = chapter .. ' ' .. transchapter;
else -- here when transchapter without chapter or script-chapter
chapter = transchapter;
chapter_error = ' ' .. set_error ('trans_missing_title', {'chapter'});
if is_set (chapter_url_object['url']) then
chapter = make_external_link (chapter_url_object['url'], chapter, chapter_url_object['origin']) .. chapter_url_object['access-text'];
-- adds bare_url_missing_title error if appropriate
chapter = chapter .. chapter_error;
if is_set (chapter) then
if 'map' == cite_class and is_set (title_type) then
chapter = chapter .. ' ' .. title_type;
chapter = pend_separator (chapter .. chapter_url_object['format'], sepc, false);
else -- |chapter= not set but |chapter-format= is so ...
chapter = pend_separator (chapter_url_object['format'], sepc, false); -- ... ChapterFormat has error message, we want to see it
return chapter;
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ M A I N _ T I T L E >------------------------------------------
Format the five title parameters: |script-title=, |title=, |trans-title=, |title-link=, and |url= into a single Title meta-
parameter (url_origin and title_link_origin used for error messages).
local function format_main_title (title, title_link, title_link_origin, script_title, trans_title, url_object, no_chapter_format, cite_class, periodical)
if is_set (title_link) and is_set (title) then
title = make_internal_link (title_link, title, title_link_origin);
if no_chapter_format or
('map' == cite_class and is_set (periodical)) then -- special case for cite map when the map is in a periodical treat as an article
title = kern_quotes (title); -- if necessary, separate title's leading and trailing quote marks from Module provided quote marks
title = wrap_style ('quoted-title', title);
title = script_concatenate (title, script_title); -- <bdi> tags, lang atribute, categorization, etc; must be done after title is wrapped
trans_title= wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', trans_title );
elseif 'report' == cite_class then -- no styling for cite report
title = script_concatenate (title, script_title); -- <bdi> tags, lang atribute, categorization, etc; must be done after title is wrapped
trans_title= wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', trans_title ); -- for cite report, use this form for trans-title
title = wrap_style ('italic-title', title);
title = script_concatenate (title, script_title); -- <bdi> tags, lang atribute, categorization, etc; must be done after title is wrapped
trans_title = wrap_style ('trans-italic-title', trans_title);
local trans_error = '';
if is_set (trans_title) then
if is_set (title) then
trans_title = ' ' .. trans_title;
trans_error = ' ' .. set_error ('trans_missing_title', {'title'});
title = title .. trans_title;
if is_set (title) then
if not is_set (title_link) and is_set (url_object['url']) then
title = make_external_link (url_object['url'], title, url_object['origin']) .. url_object['access-text'] .. trans_error .. url_object['format'];
url_object = create_url_object ();
title = title .. trans_error;
return title, url_object;
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ F O R M A T >--------------------------------------------------------
Applies css style to |format=, |chapter-format=, etc. Also emits an error message if the format parameter does
not have a matching url parameter. If the format parameter is not set and the url contains a file extension that
is recognized as a pdf document by MediaWiki's commons.css, this code will set the format parameter to (PDF) with
the appropriate styling.
local function format_format (args)
for _, url_object in pairs (args) do
if is_set (url_object['format']) then
url_object['format'] = wrap_style ('format', url_object['format']); -- add leading space, parenthases, resize
if not is_set (url_object['url']) then
url_object['format'] = url_object['format'] .. set_error ('format_missing_url', {url_object['format-origin'], url_object['origin']});
-- add an error message
elseif is_set (url_object['url']) then
if url_object['url']:match ('%.pdf[%?#]?') or url_object['url']:match ('%.PDF[%?#]?') then
-- format is not set so if url is a pdf file then
url_object['format'] = wrap_style ('format', 'PDF'); -- set format to pdf
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ A C C E S S D A T E >----------------------------------------------
local function format_accessdate (accessdate, sepc, lower)
if is_set (accessdate) then -- first, wrap in nowrap span if date in appropriate format
if accessdate:match ('^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d$') then
accessdate = wrap_style ('nowrap1', accessdate); -- when accessdate is YYYY-MM-DD format wrap in nowrap span: <span ...>YYYY-MM-DD</span>.
elseif accessdate:match('^%a+%s*%d%d?,%s+%d%d%d%d$') or accessdate:match ('^%d%d?%s*%a+%s+%d%d%d%d$') then
local cap, cap2 = string.match (accessdate, '^(.*)%s+(%d%d%d%d)$');
accessdate = wrap_style ('nowrap2', {cap, cap2}); -- when accessdate is DD MMMM YYYY or is MMMM DD, YYYY then wrap in nowrap span: <span ...>DD MMMM</span> YYYY or <span ...>MMMM DD,</span> YYYY
accessdate = ' ' .. wrap_msg ('retrieved', accessdate, lower); -- add retrieved text
accessdate = wrap_style ('accessdate', {sepc, accessdate}); -- allow editors to hide accessdates
return accessdate;
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ I D >----------------------------------------------------
local function format_id (id, docket, sepc, lower)
id = pend_separator (id, sepc, true);
return pend_separator (wrap_msg ('docket', docket, lower), sepc, true) .. id;
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ Q U O T E >----------------------------------------------
local function format_quote (quote, sepc)
if is_set (quote) then
if quote:sub (1, 1) == '"' and quote:sub (-1, -1) == '"' then -- if first and last characters of quote are quote marks
quote = quote:sub (2, -2); -- strip them off
return pend_separator (wrap_style ('quoted-text', quote), sepc, true); -- wrap in <q>...</q> tags
return '';
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ A R C H I V E >------------------------------------------
local function format_archive (archive_url_object, original_url_object, archive_date, dead_url, sepc, lower)
local archived = '';
if is_set (archive_url_object['url']) then
if not is_set (archive_date) then
archive_date = set_error ('archive_missing_date');
if in_array (dead_url, cfg.keywords['deadurl-live']) then
local arch_text = cfg.messages['archived'];
if (lower) then arch_text = arch_text:lower(); end;
archived = pend_separator (wrap_msg ('archived-not-dead', {make_external_link (archive_url_object['url'], arch_text, archive_url_object['origin']) .. archive_url_object['format'], archive_date }, lower), sepc, true);
if not is_set (original_url_object['url']) then
archived = archived .. ' ' .. set_error ('archive_missing_url');
elseif is_set (original_url_object['url']) then -- dead_url is not live, so it should be empty, dead or unfit
if in_array (dead_url, cfg.keywords['deadurl-unfit']) then
archived = pend_separator (wrap_msg('archived-unfit', archive_date, lower), sepc, true);
-- format already styled
else -- dead_url is empty or dead
archived = pend_separator (wrap_msg ('archived-dead',
{make_external_link (original_url_object['url'], cfg.messages['original'], original_url_object['origin']) .. original_url_object['access-text'] .. original_url_object['format'], archive_date }, lower), sepc, true);
-- format already styled
archived = pend_separator (wrap_msg ('archived-missing',
{set_error ('archive_missing_url'), archive_date }, lower), sepc, true);
elseif is_set (original_url_object['format']) then
archived = original_url_object['format']; -- if set and archive_url not set archive_format has error message
return archived;
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ L A Y >---------------------------------------------------
local function format_lay (lay_url_object, lay_date, lay_source, sepc, lower)
local lay = '';
if is_set (lay_url_object['url']) then
if is_set (lay_date) then lay_date = ' (' .. lay_date .. ')' end
if is_set (lay_source) then
lay_source = wrap_msg ('lay source', lay_source, lower);
lay_source = '';
local lay_sum = cfg.messages['lay summary'];
if lower then
lay_sum = lay_sum:lower();
lay = pend_separator (make_external_link (lay_url_object['url'], lay_sum, lay_url_object['origin']) .. lay_url_object['format'] .. lay_source .. lay_date, sepc, true);
else -- Test if |lay-format= is given without giving a |lay-url=
lay = pend_separator (lay_url_object['format'], sepc, true); -- if set and LayURL not set, then LayFormat has error message
return lay;
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ P E R I O D I C A L >------------------------------------
local function format_periodical (periodical, title, title_note, sepc)
if is_set (periodical) then
if is_set (title) or is_set (title_note) then
return pend_separator (wrap_style ('italic-title', periodical), sepc, true);
return wrap_style ('italic-title', periodical);
return '';
--[[--------------------------< A N C H O R _ I D >------------------------------------------------------------
Generates a CITEREF anchor ID if we have at least one name or a date. Otherwise returns an empty string.
namelist is one of the contributor-, author-, or editor-name lists chosen in that order. year is Year or anchor_year.
local function anchor_id (namelist, year)
local names={}; -- a table for the one to four names and year
for i,v in ipairs (namelist) do -- loop through the list and take up to the first four last names
names[i] = v.last
if i == 4 then break end -- if four then done
table.insert (names, year); -- add the year at the end
local id = table.concat (names); -- concatenate names and year for CITEREF id
if is_set (id) then -- if concatenation is not an empty string
return 'CITEREF' .. id; -- add the CITEREF portion
return ''; -- return an empty string; no reason to include CITEREF id in this citation
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ C I T A T I O N >--------------------------------------------
local function format_citation (body, cite_class, ref, namelist, year, ocins_output, no_tracking_cats)
local options = {};
if is_set (cite_class) and cite_class ~= 'citation' then
options.class = 'citation ' .. cite_class; -- class=citation required for blue highlight when used with |ref=
options.class = 'citation';
if is_set (ref) and ref:lower() ~= 'none' then -- set reference anchor if appropriate
local id = ref
if ('harv' == ref ) then
id = anchor_id (namelist, year); -- go make the CITEREF anchor
options.id = id;
if string.len (body:gsub ('<span[^>/]*>.-</span>', ''):gsub ('%b<>','')) <= 2 then
reset_error ({'err_cats'});
body = set_error ('empty_citation');
reset_error ({'msg_tail'});
local text;
if is_set (options.id) then
text = wrap_style ('citation-with-id', {mw.uri.anchorEncode (options.id), mw.text.nowiki (options.class), body});
text = wrap_style ('citation-no-id', {mw.text.nowiki (options.class), body});
text = text .. wrap_style ('OCinS', ocins_output);
text = text .. make_error_tail (no_tracking_cats); -- append error/maintenance messages/categories to the citation
return text;
--[[--------------------------< D E D U C E _ C I T A T I O N _ C L A S S >--------------------------------------
local function deduce_citation_class (A, naive_class)
local deduced_class;
local periodical = A['Periodical'];
local origin = A:ORIGIN ('Periodical');
for cite_class, aliases in pairs (cfg.periodical.parameters) do
if cite_class ~= '_general' then
for _, aliase in pairs (aliases) do
if origin == aliase then
deduced_class = cite_class;
if (naive_class == 'citation') then
if is_set (deduced_class) then
return deduced_class, true;
elseif (naive_class ~= deduced_class) then
local check_list = cfg.periodical.compatibility[naive_class];
if is_set (check_list) then
if is_set (check_list['drop']) and in_array (deduced_class, check_list['drop']) then
A['Periodical'] = discard_parameter (periodical, origin, nil);
elseif is_set (check_list['warn']) and in_array (deduced_class, check_list['warn']) then
append_error ('periodical', {origin, naive_class, deduced_class, check_list['suggest']});
return naive_class, false;
--[[--------------------------< A R G U M E N T _ W R A P P E R >----------------------------------------------
Argument wrapper. This function provides support for argument mapping defined in the configuration file so that
multiple names can be transparently aliased to single internal variable.
local function argument_wrapper (args)
local origin = {};
return setmetatable ({
ORIGIN = function (self, k)
local dummy = self[k]; --force the variable to be loaded.
return origin[k];
__index = function (tbl, k)
if origin[k] ~= nil then
return nil;
local args, list, v = args, cfg.aliases[k];
if type (list) == 'table' then
v, origin[k] = select_one (args, list, 'redundant_parameters');
if origin[k] == nil then
origin[k] = ''; -- Empty string, not nil
elseif list ~= nil then
v, origin[k] = args[list], list;
-- maybe let through instead of raising an error?
-- v, origin[k] = args[k], k;
throw_error ('unknown_argument_map');
-- Empty strings, not nil;
if v == nil then
v = cfg.defaults[k] or '';
origin[k] = '';
tbl = rawset (tbl, k, v);
return v;
--[[--------------------------< D O _ C I T A T I O N >---------------------------------------------------------
This is the main function doing the majority of the citation formatting.
local function do_citation (config, args)
--local variables that are not cs1 parameters
local this_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle(); -- also used for COinS and for language
Load Input Parameters
The argument_wrapper facilitates the mapping of multiple aliases to single internal variable.
local A = argument_wrapper (args);
local citation_class, did_duduction = deduce_citation_class (A, config.CitationClass);
-- Pick out the relevant fields from the arguments. Different citation templates
-- define different field names for the same underlying things.
------------------------------------------------- Get dates
local Year = A['Year'];
local PublicationDate = A['PublicationDate'];
local OrigYear = A['OrigYear'];
local Date = A['Date'];
local Dateorigin = A:ORIGIN ('Date');
local LayDate = A['LayDate'];
------------------------------------------------- Get title data
local Title = A['Title'];
local ScriptTitle = A['ScriptTitle'];
local Conference = A['Conference'];
local TransTitle = A['TransTitle'];
local TitleNote = A['TitleNote'];
local TitleLink = A['TitleLink'];
local TitleLinkorigin = A:ORIGIN ('TitleLink');
local Periodical = A['Periodical'];
local Periodical_origin = A:ORIGIN ('Periodical'); -- get the name of the periodical parameter
local Series = A['Series'];
local ConferenceURLobject = create_url_object (A['ConferenceURL'], A:ORIGIN ('ConferenceURL'), A['ConferenceFormat'], A:ORIGIN ('ConferenceFormat'));
local ArchiveURLobject = create_url_object (A['ArchiveURL'], A:ORIGIN ('ArchiveURL'), A['ArchiveFormat'], A:ORIGIN ('ArchiveFormat'));
local URLobject = create_url_object (A['URL'], A:ORIGIN ('URL'), A['Format'], A:ORIGIN ('Format'),A['UrlAccess'], A:ORIGIN ('UrlAccess'));
local TranscriptURLobject = create_url_object (A['TranscriptURL'], A:ORIGIN ('TranscriptURL'), A['TranscriptFormat'], A:ORIGIN ('TranscriptFormat'));
local LayURLobject = create_url_object (A['LayURL'], A:ORIGIN ('LayURL'), A['LayFormat'], A:ORIGIN ('LayFormat'));
local Volume = A['Volume'];
local Issue = A['Issue'];
local Page = A['Page'];
local Pages = hyphen_to_dash (A['Pages']);
local At = A['At'];
if not in_array (citation_class, cfg.args_support['templates_using_volume']) then
Volume = discard_parameter (Volume, A:ORIGIN ('Volume'), nil);
if not in_array (citation_class, cfg.args_support['templates_using_issue']) then
if (A:ORIGIN ('Issue') ~= 'number') then
Issue = discard_parameter (Issue, A:ORIGIN ('Issue'), nil);
Issue = nil;
if in_array (citation_class, cfg.args_support['templates_not_using_page']) then
Page = discard_parameter (Page, A:ORIGIN ('Page'), nil);
Pages = discard_parameter (Pages, A:ORIGIN ('Pages'), nil);
At = discard_parameter (At, A:ORIGIN ('At'), nil);
local Minutes = A['Minutes'];
local Time = A['Time'];
local TimeCaption = A['TimeCaption'];
if not in_array (citation_class, cfg.args_support['templates_involving_time']) then
Minutes = discard_parameter (Minutes, A:ORIGIN ('Minutes'), nil);
Time = discard_parameter (Time, A:ORIGIN ('Time'), nil);
TimeCaption = discard_parameter (TimeCaption, A:ORIGIN ('TimeCaption'), nil);
local Sheet = A['Sheet'];
local Sheets = A['Sheets'];
local Section = A['Section'];
local Sections = A['Sections'];
local Inset = A['Inset'];
if not ('map' == citation_class) then
Sheet = discard_parameter (Sheet, A:ORIGIN ('Sheet'), nil);
Sheets = discard_parameter (Sheets, A:ORIGIN ('Sheets'), nil);
Sections = discard_parameter (Sections, A:ORIGIN ('Sections'), nil);
Inset = discard_parameter (Inset, A:ORIGIN ('Inset'), nil);
local Chapter = '';
local ScriptChapter = '';
local TransChapter = '';
local ChapterURLobject;
local no_chapter_format = in_array (citation_class, cfg.args_support['templates_not_using_chapter_format']);
if in_array (citation_class, cfg.args_support['templates_not_using_chapter']) then
ChapterURLobject = create_url_object ();
discard_chapter (A);
if not ('map' == citation_class) then
Section = discard_parameter (Section, A:ORIGIN ('Section'), nil);
Chapter = A['Chapter'];
ScriptChapter = A['ScriptChapter'];
TransChapter = A['TransChapter'];
ChapterURLobject = create_url_object (A['ChapterURL'], A:ORIGIN ('ChapterURL'), A['ChapterFormat'], A:ORIGIN ('ChapterFormat'), A['ChapterUrlAccess'], A:ORIGIN ('ChapterUrlAccess'));
if is_set (Chapter) then
if is_set (Section) then
select_one (args, {'chapter', 'contribution', 'section'}, 'redundant_parameters');
Chapter = Section;
Section = nil;
local Edition = A['Edition'];
local PublicationPlace = A['PublicationPlace']
local Place = A['Place'];
local PublisherName = A['PublisherName'];
local RegistrationRequired = sanitized_parameter_value (A['RegistrationRequired'], A:ORIGIN ('RegistrationRequired'), 'yes_true_y', nil);
local SubscriptionRequired = sanitized_parameter_value (A['SubscriptionRequired'], A:ORIGIN ('SubscriptionRequired'), 'yes_true_y', nil);
local Via = A['Via'];
local AccessDate = A['AccessDate'];
local ArchiveDate = A['ArchiveDate'];
local Agency = A['Agency'];
local DeadURL = sanitized_parameter_value (A['DeadURL'], A:ORIGIN ('DeadURL'), 'deadurl', '');
local Language = A['Language'];
local DoiBroken = A['DoiBroken'];
local ID = A['ID'];
local IgnoreISBN = sanitized_parameter_value (A['IgnoreISBN'], A:ORIGIN ('IgnoreISBN'), 'yes_true_y', nil);
local Embargo = A['Embargo'];
local Class = A['Class']; -- arxiv class identifier
local ID_list = extract_ids (args);
local ID_access_levels = extract_id_access_levels (args, ID_list);
local LaySource = A['LaySource'];
local Transcript = A['Transcript'];
local no_tracking_cats = set_no_tracking_cats (A['NoTracking'], A:ORIGIN ('NoTracking'), this_page);
local Quote = A['Quote'];
local sepc, PostScript, Ref = set_style (A['Mode'], A:ORIGIN ('Mode'), A['PostScript'], A['Ref'], Quote, config.CitationClass);
if is_set (Quote) and is_set (A['PostScript']) then
select_one (args, {'postscript', 'quote', 'quotation'}, 'redundant_parameters');
local use_lowercase = ( sepc == ',' ); -- used to control capitalization for certain static text
-- check for insource-location-related parameters like |page=, |pages= or |at=. 请注意section参数有歧义,如果section跟书有关系,上面已经被清空了,这里不纳入检查。
select_one (args, {'at', 'time', 'minutes'}, 'redundant_parameters');
select_one (args, {'page', 'p', 'pp', 'pages', 'at', 'time', 'minutes', 'sheet', 'sheets'}, 'redundant_parameters');
if is_set (Section) then
select_one (args, {'at', 'section', 'sections'}, 'redundant_parameters');
select_one (args, {'at', 'sections'}, 'redundant_parameters');
-- Dummy calls simply to get the error messages and categories
local NoPP = sanitized_parameter_value (A['NoPP'], A:ORIGIN ('NoPP'), 'yes_true_y', nil);
if is_set (Page) then
if is_set (Pages) or is_set (At) then
Pages = ''; -- unset the others
At = '';
extra_text_in_parameter_check (Page, 'page'); -- add this page to maint cat if |page= value begins with what looks like p. or pp.
elseif is_set (Pages) then
if is_set (At) then
At = ''; -- unset
extra_text_in_parameter_check (Pages, 'page'); -- add this page to maint cat if |pages= value begins with what looks like p. or pp.
-- both |publication-place= and |place= (|location=) allowed if different
if not is_set (PublicationPlace) and is_set (Place) then
PublicationPlace = Place; -- promote |place= (|location=) to |publication-place
if PublicationPlace == Place then Place = ''; end -- don't need both if they are the same
if is_set (Edition) then
extra_text_in_parameter_check (Edition, 'edition');
------------------------------------------------- Get people
local NameListFormat = sanitized_parameter_value (A['NameListFormat'], A:ORIGIN ('NameListFormat'), 'name-list-format', '');
local LastAuthorAmp = sanitized_parameter_value (A['LastAuthorAmp'], A:ORIGIN ('LastAuthorAmp'), 'yes_true_y', nil);
local contributors_valid = in_array (citation_class, cfg.args_support['templates_using_contributor']);
local Authors, Contributors, Editors, Translators, Contribution, NameList, multiple_editors, has_contributors =
get_people (
vauthors = A['Vauthors'], authors = A['Authors'], veditors = A['Veditors'], editors = A['Editors'], contribution = A['Contribution'], coauthors = A['Coauthors']
}, {
displayauthors = A['DisplayAuthors'], displayeditors = A['DisplayEditors'], contributorsvalid = contributors_valid, namelistformat = NameListFormat, lastauthoramp = LastAuthorAmp
}, args, this_page.name
); -- (co-)authors, contributors, editors and translators
local TitleType = set_titletype (citation_class, A['TitleType']); -- handle type parameter for those CS1 citations that have default values
-- special case for cite thesis
local Degree = A['Degree'];
if 'thesis' == citation_class then
if (is_set (Degree)) then
TitleType = wrap_msg ('thesis with type', Degree, use_lowercase);
TitleType = wrap_msg ('thesis no type', 'placeholder', use_lowercase);
Degree = discard_parameter (Degree, A:ORIGIN ('Degree'), nil);
local Others = A['Others'];
Parameter remapping for cite encyclopedia:
When the citation has these parameters:
|encyclopedia and |title then map |title to |article and |encyclopedia to |title
|encyclopedia and |article then map |encyclopedia to |title
|encyclopedia then map |encyclopedia to |title
|trans_title maps to |trans_chapter when |title is re-mapped
|url maps to |chapterurl when |title is remapped
All other combinations of |encyclopedia, |title, and |article are not modified
local Encyclopedia;
local Entry = A['Entry'];
if (citation_class == 'encyclopaedia') then -- test code for citation
local entry_redundant = false
Encyclopedia = Periodical;
if is_set (Periodical) then
if is_set (Title) or is_set (ScriptTitle) then
Chapter = Title;
ScriptChapter = ScriptTitle;
ScriptTitle = '';
TransChapter = TransTitle;
TransTitle = '';
ChapterURLobject = URLobject;
URLobject = create_url_object ();
if not is_set (ChapterURLobject['url']) and is_set (TitleLink) then
Chapter = make_internal_link (TitleLink, Chapter, TitleLinkorigin);
TitleLink = '';
entry_redundant = is_set (Entry);
elseif is_set (Entry) then
Chapter = Entry;
ChapterURLobject = URLobject;
URLobject = create_url_object ();
Title = Periodical; -- |encyclopedia set and |article set or not set so map |encyclopedia to |title
Periodical = ''; -- redundant so unset
if is_set (Title) or is_set (ScriptTitle) then
entry_redundant = is_set (Entry);
Title = Entry;
if entry_redundant then
select_one (args, {'title', 'script-title', 'article', 'entry'}, 'redundant_parameters');
Entry = discard_parameter (Entry, A:ORIGIN ('Entry'), nil);
-- Special case for cite report.
local Docket = A['Docket'];
if citation_class == 'report' then
if is_set (Docket) then
if is_set (ID) then
select_one (args, {'id', 'docket'}, 'redundant_parameters');
ID = Docket; -- for cite report when |docket= is set, overwrite ID even if |id= is set
Docket = '';
elseif citation_class ~= 'thesis' then
discard_parameter (Docket, A:ORIGIN ('Docket'), '');
-- Special case for cite techreport.
local Num = A['Number'];
if citation_class == 'techreport' then -- special case for cite techreport
if is_set (Num) then -- cite techreport uses 'number', which other citations alias to 'issue'
if not is_set (ID) then -- can we use ID for the "number"?
ID = Num; -- yes, use it
else -- ID has a value so emit error message
select_one (args, {'id', 'number'}, 'redundant_parameters');
elseif not is_set (Issue) then
Num = discard_parameter (Num, A:ORIGIN ('Number'), nil);
-- special case for cite interview
local Callsign = A['Callsign'];
local City = A['City'];
local Program = A['Program'];
if (citation_class == 'interview') then
if is_set (Program) then
ID = ' ' .. Program;
if is_set (Callsign) then
if is_set (ID) then
ID = ID .. pend_separator (Callsign, sepc, true);
ID = ' ' .. Callsign;
if is_set (City) then
if is_set (ID) then
ID = ID .. pend_separator (City, sepc, true);
ID = ' ' .. City;
if is_set (Others) then
Others = wrap_msg ('interview', {TitleType, Others}, use_lowercase);
TitleType = '';
Callsign = discard_parameter (Callsign, A:ORIGIN ('Callsign'), nil );
City = discard_parameter (City, A:ORIGIN ('City'), nil );
Program = discard_parameter (Program, A:ORIGIN ('Program'), nil);
if is_set (TitleType) then -- if type parameter is specified
TitleType = wrap_msg ('type', TitleType, use_lowercase); -- display it in parentheses
-- Account for the oddity that is {{cite conference}} or {{cite speech}}.
local BookTitle = A['BookTitle'];
if 'conference' == citation_class then
if is_set (BookTitle) then
ChapterURLobject = URLobject;
URLobject = create_url_object ();
TransChapter = TransTitle;
TransTitle = '';
Chapter = Title;
Title = BookTitle;
BookTitle = discard_parameter (BookTitle, A:ORIGIN ('BookTitle'), nil);
if 'speech' == citation_class then
TitleNote = discard_parameter (TitleNote, A:ORIGIN ('TitleNote'), TitleType);
-- override whatever may be the value assigned to TitleNote (through |department=) and forces it to be " (Speech)" so that the annotation directly follows the |title= parameter value in the citation rather than the |event= parameter value (if provided).
TitleType = ''; -- annotate the citation
Conference = discard_parameter (Conference, A:ORIGIN ('Conference'), '');
-- not cite conference or cite speech so make sure this is empty string
-- cite map oddities
local Cartography = A['Cartography'];
local Scale = A['Scale'];
if citation_class == 'map' then
Chapter = A['Map'];
TransChapter = A['TransMap'];
ChapterURLobject = create_url_object (A['MapURL'], A:ORIGIN ('MapURL'), A['MapFormat'], A:ORIGIN ('MapFormat'), A['MapUrlAccess'], A:ORIGIN ('MapUrlAccess'));
Cartography = pend_separator (wrap_msg ('cartography', Cartography, use_lowercase), sepc, true);
Scale = pend_separator (Scale, sepc, true);
Cartography = discard_parameter (Cartography, A:ORIGIN ('Cartography'), '');
Scale = discard_parameter (Scale, A:ORIGIN ('Scale'), '');
discard_parameter (A['Map'], A:ORIGIN ('Map'), nil);
discard_parameter (A['MapURL'], A:ORIGIN ('MapURL'), nil);
discard_parameter (A['TransMap'], A:ORIGIN ('TransMap'), nil);
discard_parameter (A['MapFormat'], A:ORIGIN ('MapFormat'), nil);
discard_parameter (A['MapUrlAccess'], A:ORIGIN ('MapUrlAccess'), nil);
-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite episode}} and {{cite serial}}, before generation of COinS data.
if 'episode' == citation_class or 'serial' == citation_class then
local AirDate = A['AirDate'];
local SeriesLink = A['SeriesLink'];
local Network = A['Network'];
local Station = A['Station'];
local s, n = {}, {};
-- do common parameters first
if is_set (Network) then table.insert (n, Network); end
if is_set (Station) then table.insert (n, Station); end
ID = table.concat (n, sepc .. ' ');
if is_set (AirDate) then
if not is_set (Date) then -- promote airdate to date
Date = AirDate;
Dateorigin = A:ORIGIN ('AirDate');
select_one (args, {'date', 'air-date', 'airdate'}, 'redundant_parameters');
if 'episode' == citation_class then -- handle the oddities that are strictly {{cite episode}}
local Season = A['Season'];
local SeriesNumber = A['SeriesNumber'];
if is_set (Season) and is_set (SeriesNumber) then -- these are mutually exclusive so if both are set
select_one (args, {'season', 'series-number', 'series-no', 'seriesnumber', 'seriesno'}, 'redundant_parameters');
-- add error message
SeriesNumber = ''; -- unset; prefer |season= over |seriesno=
-- assemble a table of parts concatenated later into Series
if is_set (Season) then table.insert (s, wrap_msg ('season', Season, use_lowercase)); end
if is_set (SeriesNumber) then table.insert (s, wrap_msg ('series', SeriesNumber, use_lowercase)); end
if is_set (Issue) then table.insert (s, wrap_msg ('episode', Issue, use_lowercase)); end
Issue = ''; -- unset because this is not a unique parameter
Chapter = Title; -- promote title parameters to chapter
ScriptChapter = ScriptTitle;
local ChapterLink = TitleLink; -- alias episodelink
local ChapterLinkorigin = TitleLinkorigin;
TransChapter = TransTitle;
ChapterURLobject = URLobject;
Title = Series; -- promote series to title
TitleLink = SeriesLink;
TitleLinkorigin = A:ORIGIN ('SeriesLink');
Series = table.concat (s, sepc .. ' '); -- this is concatenation of season, seriesno, episode number
if is_set (ChapterLink) and not is_set (ChapterURL) then -- link but not URL
Chapter = make_internal_link (ChapterLink, Chapter, ChapterLinkorigin);
-- ok to wikilink
elseif is_set (ChapterLink) and is_set (ChapterURL) then -- if both are set, URL links episode;
Series = make_internal_link (ChapterLink, Series, ChapterLinkorigin);
-- series links with ChapterLink (episodelink -> TitleLink -> ChapterLink) ugly
URLobject = create_url_object (); -- unset
TransTitle = '';
ScriptTitle = '';
else -- now oddities that are cite serial
Chapter = A['Episode']; -- TODO: make |episode= available to cite episode someday?
if is_set (Series) and is_set (SeriesLink) then
Series = make_internal_link (SeriesLink, Series, A:ORIGIN ('SeriesLink'));
Series = wrap_style ('italic-title', Series); -- series is italicized
-- end of {{cite episode}} stuff
-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite arxiv}}, before generation of COinS data.
if 'arxiv' == citation_class then
if not is_set (ID_list['ARXIV']) then -- |arxiv= or |eprint= required for cite arxiv
append_error ('arxiv_missing', {}); -- add error message
elseif is_set (Series) then -- series is an alias of version
ID_list['ARXIV'] = ID_list['ARXIV'] .. Series; -- concatenate version onto the end of the arxiv identifier
Series = ''; -- unset
deprecated_parameter ('version'); -- deprecated parameter but only for cite arxiv
if first_set ({AccessDate, At, URLobject['format'], Page, Pages, PublisherName, URLobject['url'], -- a crude list of parameters that are not supported by cite arxiv
ID_list['ASIN'], ID_list['BIBCODE'], ID_list['DOI'], ID_list['ISBN'], ID_list['ISSN'],
ID_list['JFM'], ID_list['JSTOR'], ID_list['LCCN'], ID_list['MR'], ID_list['OCLC'], ID_list['OL'],
ID_list['OSTI'], ID_list['PMC'], ID_list['PMID'], ID_list['RFC'], ID_list['SSRN'], ID_list['USENETID'], ID_list['ZBL']},27) then
append_error ('arxiv_params_not_supported', {}); -- add error message
AccessDate= ''; -- set these to empty string; not supported in cite arXiv
PublisherName = ''; -- (if the article has been published, use cite journal, or other)
URLobject = create_url_object ();
Page = ''; Pages = ''; At = '';
Periodical = 'arXiv'; -- periodical not allowed in cite arxiv; if article has been published, use cite journal
-- set to arXiv for COinS; after that, must be set to empty string
-- legacy: promote concatenation of |month=, and |year= to Date if Date not set; or, promote PublicationDate to Date if neither Date nor Year are set.
if not is_set (Date) then
if is_set (Year) then
Date = Year;
Dateorigin = A:ORIGIN ('Year'); -- promote Year to Date
Year = nil; -- make nil so Year as empty string isn't used for CITEREF
elseif is_set (PublicationDate) then -- use PublicationDate when |date= and |year= are not set
Date = PublicationDate;
Dateorigin = A:ORIGIN ('PublicationDate'); -- promote PublicationDate to Date
PublicationDate = '';
if is_set (PublicationDate) and PublicationDate ~= Date then
PublicationDate = wrap_msg ('publication-date', PublicationDate, use_lowercase);
PublicationDate = ''; -- if PublicationDate is same as Date, don't display in rendered citation
local COinS_date = {}; -- holds date info extracted from |date= for the COinS metadata by Module:Date verification
local anchor_year = validate_date (AccessDate, ArchiveDate, Date, DoiBroken, Embargo, LayDate, PublicationDate, Year, COinS_date, Dateorigin);
-- used in the CITEREF identifier
-- Account for the oddity that is {{cite journal}} with |pmc= set and |url= not set. Do this after date check but before COInS.
-- Here we unset Embargo if PMC not embargoed (|embargo= not set in the citation) or if the embargo time has expired. Otherwise, holds embargo date
Embargo = is_embargoed (Embargo); --
if citation_class == 'journal' and not is_set (URLobject['url']) and is_set (ID_list['PMC']) then
if not is_set (Embargo) then -- if not embargoed or embargo has expired
URLobject['url'] =cfg.id_handlers['PMC'].prefix .. ID_list['PMC']; -- set url to be the same as the PMC external link if not embargoed
URLobject['origin'] = cfg.id_handlers['PMC'].parameters[1]; -- set URLorigin to parameter name for use in error message if citation is missing a |title=
if not is_set (URLobject['url']) then
if in_array (citation_class, cfg.args_support['templates_requiring_url']) then
append_error ('cite_web_url', {});
-- Test if accessdate is given without giving a URL
if is_set (AccessDate) and not is_set (ChapterURLobject['url']) then -- ChapterURL may be set when the others are not set; TODO: move this to a separate test?
append_error ('accessdate_missing_url', {});
AccessDate = '';
-- At this point fields may be nil if they weren't specified in the template use. We can use that fact.
-- Test if citation has no title
if not is_set (Title) and
not is_set (TransTitle) and
not is_set (ScriptTitle) then
if 'episode' == citation_class then -- special case for cite episode; TODO: is there a better way to do this?
append_error ('citation_missing_title', {'series'});
append_error ('citation_missing_title', {'title'});
if 'none' == Title and citation_class == 'journal' then -- special case for journal cites
Title = ''; -- set title to empty string
add_maint_cat ('untitled');
check_for_external_link ({ -- add error message when any of these parameters contains a URL
['title'] = Title,
[A:ORIGIN ('Chapter')] = Chapter,
[A:ORIGIN ('Periodical')] = Periodical,
[A:ORIGIN ('PublisherName')] = PublisherName,
-- COinS metadata (see <http://ocoins.info/>) for automated parsing of citation information.
-- handle the oddity that is cite encyclopedia and {{citation |encyclopedia=something}}. Here we presume that
-- when Periodical, Title, and Chapter are all set, then Periodical is the book (encyclopedia) title, Title
-- is the article title, and Chapter is a section within the article. So, we remap
local coins_chapter = Chapter; -- default assuming that remapping not required
local coins_title = Title; -- et tu
if 'encyclopaedia' == citation_class then
if is_set (Chapter) and is_set (Title) and is_set (Periodical) then -- if all are used then
coins_chapter = Title; -- remap
coins_title = Periodical;
-- this is the function call to COinS()
local OCinSoutput = COinS ({
['Periodical'] = Periodical,
['Encyclopedia'] = Encyclopedia,
['Chapter'] = coins_chapter,
['ScriptChapter'] = ScriptChapter,
['Map'] = Map,
['Degree'] = Degree; -- cite thesis only
['Title'] = coins_title,
['ScriptTitle'] = ScriptTitle,
['PublicationPlace'] = PublicationPlace,
['Date'] = COinS_date.rftdate, -- COinS_date has correctly formatted date if Date is valid;
['Season'] = COinS_date.rftssn,
['Chron'] = COinS_date.rftchron or (not COinS_date.rftdate and Date) or '', -- chron but if not set and invalid date format use Date; keep this last bit?
['Series'] = Series,
['Volume'] = Volume,
['Issue'] = Issue,
['Pages'] = first_set ({Sheet, Sheets, Page, Pages, At}, 5),
['Edition'] = Edition,
['PublisherName'] = PublisherName,
['URL'] = first_set ({ChapterURLobject['url'], URLobject['url']}, 2),
['Authors'] = NameList,
['ID_list'] = ID_list,
['RawPage'] = this_page.prefixedText,
}, config.CitationClass);
-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite arxiv}}, AFTER generation of COinS data.
if 'arxiv' == citation_class then -- we have set rft.jtitle in COinS to arXiv, now unset so it isn't displayed
Periodical = '';
-- special case for cite newsgroup. Do this after COinS because we are modifying Publishername to include some static text
if 'newsgroup' == citation_class then
if is_set (PublisherName) then
PublisherName = wrap_msg ('newsgroup', make_external_link ('news:' .. PublisherName, PublisherName, A:ORIGIN ('PublisherName')), use_lowercase);
-- Now perform various field substitutions.
-- We also add leading spaces and surrounding markup and punctuation to the
-- various parts of the citation, but only when they are non-nil.
-- apply |[xx-]format= styling; at the end, these parameters hold correctly styled format annotation,
-- an error message if the associated url is not set, or an empty string for concatenation
format_format ({ArchiveURLobject, ConferenceURLobject, URLobject, LayURLobject, TranscriptURLobject, ChapterURLobject});
-- special case for chapter format so no error message or cat when chapter not supported
if format_url_access_text (URLobject, SubscriptionRequired, RegistrationRequired) then
select_one (args, {'url-access', 'urlaccess', 'registration', 'subscription'}, 'redundant_parameters');
end -- 只需其一
format_url_access_text (ChapterURLobject, nil, nil);
local OriginalURLobject; -- TODO: swap chapter and title here so that archive applies to most specific if both are set?
OriginalURLobject, URLobject, ChapterURLobject =
swap_urls (URLobject, ChapterURLobject, ArchiveURLobject, DeadURL);
local chapter_no_quotes = false; -- default assume that we will be quoting the chapter parameter value
if is_set (Contribution) and has_contributors then -- if this is a contribution with contributor(s)
if in_array (Contribution:lower(), cfg.keywords['contribution']) then -- and a generic contribution title
chapter_no_quotes = true; -- then render it unquoted
Chapter = format_chapter_title (ScriptChapter, Chapter, TransChapter, ChapterURLobject, chapter_no_quotes, citation_class, TitleType, sepc);
-- Contribution is also in Chapter
-- Format main title.
Title, URLobject = format_main_title (Title, TitleLink, TitleLinkorigin, ScriptTitle, TransTitle, URLobject, no_chapter_format, citation_class, Periodical);
Place = pend_separator (wrap_msg ('written', Place, use_lowercase), sepc, false);
Conference = format_conference (Conference, ConferenceURLobject, Periodical, citation_class, sepc);
local Insource_location = format_insource_location (Page, Pages, Sheet, Sheets, At, Minutes, Time, TimeCaption, Section, Sections, Inset, citation_class, Periodical_origin, sepc, NoPP, use_lowercase);
Language = language_parameter (Language); -- format, categories, name from ISO639-1, etc
Others = pend_separator (Others, sepc, true);
Others = pend_separator (wrap_msg ('translated', Translators, use_lowercase), sepc, true) .. Others;
if 'speech' ~= citation_class then
TitleNote = pend_separator (TitleNote, sepc, true);
Edition = wrap_msg ('edition', Edition, use_lowercase);
Series = pend_separator (Series, sepc, true);
OrigYear = wrap_msg ('orig year', OrigYear, use_lowercase);
Agency = pend_separator (Agency, sepc, true);
Volume = format_volume_issue (Volume, Issue, citation_class, Periodical_origin, sepc, use_lowercase);
------------------------------------ totally unrelated data
Via = wrap_msg ('via', Via, use_lowercase);
AccessDate = format_accessdate (AccessDate, sepc, use_lowercase);
ID = format_id (ID, Docket, sepc, use_lowercase);
ID_list = build_id_list (ID_list, {IdAccessLevels=ID_access_levels, DoiBroken = DoiBroken, ASINTLD = ASINTLD, IgnoreISBN = IgnoreISBN, Embargo=Embargo, Class = Class});
local URL = '';
if is_set (URLobject['url']) then
URL = ' ' .. make_external_link (URLobject['url'], nil, URLobject['origin']) .. URLobject['access-text'];
local Format = URLobject['format'];
Quote = format_quote (Quote, sepc);
local Archived = format_archive (ArchiveURLobject, OriginalURLobject, ArchiveDate, DeadURL, sepc, use_lowercase);
local Lay = format_lay (LayURLobject, LayDate, LaySource, sepc, use_lowercase);
Transcript = format_external_link (Transcript, TranscriptURLobject, sepc);
local Publisher = format_publisher (PublisherName, PublicationPlace, Periodical, citation_class, sepc);
local use_in = is_set (Chapter) and (not has_contributors);
Authors, Editors, Contributors = format_people (Authors, Editors, Contributors, multiple_editors, use_in, sepc);
-- Several of the above rely upon detecting this as nil, so do it last.
Periodical = format_periodical (Periodical, Title, TitleNote, sepc);
-- Piece all bits together at last. Here, all should be non-nil.
-- We build things this way because it is more efficient in LUA
-- not to keep reassigning to the same string variable over and over.
local tcommon;
local tcommon2; -- used for book cite when |contributor= is set
if citation_class == 'journal' and is_set (Periodical) then
Others = pend_separator (Others, sepc, false);
tcommon = safe_join ({Others, Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc);
elseif contributors_valid then -- special cases for book cites where contributors are allowed
if is_set (Contributors) then -- when we are citing foreword, preface, introduction, etc
tcommon = safe_join ({Title, TitleNote}, sepc); -- author and other stuff will come after this and before tcommon2
tcommon2 = safe_join ({Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Volume, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc);
tcommon = safe_join ({Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Volume, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc);
elseif 'map' == citation_class then -- special cases for cite map
if is_set (Chapter) then -- map in a book; TitleType is part of Chapter
tcommon = safe_join ({Title, Format, Edition, Scale, Series, Cartography, Others, Publisher, Volume}, sepc);
elseif is_set (Periodical) then -- map in a periodical
tcommon = safe_join ({Title, TitleType, Format, Periodical, Scale, Series, Cartography, Others, Publisher, Volume}, sepc);
else -- a sheet or stand-alone map
tcommon = safe_join ({Title, TitleType, Format, Edition, Scale, Series, Cartography, Others, Publisher}, sepc);
elseif 'episode' == citation_class then -- special case for cite episode
tcommon = safe_join ({Title, TitleNote, TitleType, Series, Transcript, Edition, Publisher}, sepc);
else -- all other CS1 templates
tcommon = safe_join ({Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Volume, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc);
if #ID_list > 0 then
ID_list = safe_join ({sepc .. ' ', table.concat (ID_list, sepc .. ' '), ID}, sepc);
ID_list = ID;
local xDate;
if (is_set (Periodical) and is_set (Date) and
not in_array (citation_class, {'encyclopaedia', 'web'}))
or (in_array (citation_class, {'book', 'news'})) then
if in_array (citation_class, {'journal', 'citation'}) and is_set (Volume) then
xDate = safe_join ({Date .. ',' .. Volume, Insource_location, PublicationDate, OrigYear, AccessDate}, sepc);
xDate = safe_join ({Date, Insource_location, PublicationDate, OrigYear, AccessDate}, sepc);
Insource_location = ''
xDate = safe_join ({Date, PublicationDate, OrigYear, AccessDate}, sepc);
xDate = pend_separator (xDate, sepc, true);
local idcommon = safe_join ({URL, xDate, ID_list, Archived, Via, Lay, Language, Quote}, sepc);
local text;
if is_set (Authors) then
if is_set (Contributors) then
text = safe_join ({Contributors, Chapter, tcommon, Authors, Place, Editors, tcommon2, Insource_location, idcommon }, sepc);
text = safe_join ({Authors, Chapter, Place, Editors, tcommon, Insource_location, idcommon }, sepc);
text = safe_join ({Editors, Chapter, Place, tcommon, Insource_location, idcommon}, sepc);
if is_set (PostScript) and PostScript ~= sepc then
text = safe_join ({text, sepc}, sepc); --Deals with italics, spaces, etc.
text = text:sub (1, -sepc:len()-1);
text = safe_join ({text, PostScript}, sepc);
-- Now enclose the whole thing in a <cite/> element
return format_citation (text, config.CitationClass, Ref, NameList, anchor_year, OCinSoutput, no_tracking_cats);
--[[--------------------------< V A L I D A T E >--------------------------------------------------------------
Looks for a parameter's name in the whitelist.
Parameters in the whitelist can have three values:
true - active, supported parameters
false - deprecated, supported parameters
nil - unsupported parameters
local function validate (name)
local name = tostring (name);
local state = whitelist.basic_arguments[name];
-- Normal arguments
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
-- Arguments with numbers in them
name = name:gsub ('%d+', '#'); -- replace digit(s) with # (last25 becomes last#
state = whitelist.numbered_arguments[name];
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
return false; -- Not supported because not found or name is set to nil
--[[--------------------------< C I T A T I O N >--------------------------------------------------------------
This is used by templates such as {{cite book}} to create the actual citation text.
function citation (frame)
local pframe = frame:getParent();
local module_path = 'Module:Citation/CS1/'
local module_suffix = frame:getTitle():gsub ('^Module:Citation/CS1', '');
load_modules (module_path, module_suffix);
local args = {};
local suggestions = {};
local error_reported = false;
local config = {};
for k, v in pairs (frame.args) do
config[k] = v;
args[k] = v;
local capture; -- the single supported capture when matching unknown parameters using patterns
for k, v in pairs (pframe.args) do
if v ~= '' then
if not validate (k) then
error_reported = false;
if type (k) ~= 'string' then
-- Exclude empty numbered parameters
if v:match ('%S+') ~= nil then
append_error ('text_ignored', {v});
error_reported = true;
elseif validate (k:lower()) then
append_error ('parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, k:lower()});
error_reported = true;
if nil == suggestions.suggestions then -- if this table is nil then we need to load it
suggestions = mw.loadData (module_path .. 'Suggestions' .. module_suffix);
for pattern, param in pairs (suggestions.patterns) do -- loop through the patterns to see if we can suggest a proper parameter
capture = k:match (pattern); -- the whole match if no caputre in pattern else the capture if a match
if capture then -- if the pattern matches
param = substitute (param, capture); -- add the capture to the suggested parameter (typically the enumerator)
append_error ('parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, param});
-- set the error message
error_reported = true;
if not error_reported then -- couldn't match with a pattern, is there an expicit suggestion?
if suggestions.suggestions[k:lower()] ~= nil then
append_error ('parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, suggestions.suggestions[k:lower()]});
error_reported = true;
append_error ('parameter_ignored', {k});
error_reported = true;
args[k] = v;
elseif args[k] ~= nil or (k == 'postscript') then
args[k] = v;
local error_msg;
for k, v in pairs (args) do
if 'string' == type (k) then -- don't evaluate positional parameters
error_msg = has_invisible_chars (k, v);
if is_set (error_msg) then
append_error ('invisible_char', error_msg);
return do_citation (config, args)
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------
return {citation = citation};